Guide & Info

Everything you need to know.

Why we started

Welcome to Alpen Inc. , a premier web development agency. We have observed that many successful businesses in Cyprus lack a high-quality online presence, limiting their growth and visibility in today's digital age.
Our goal is to bridge this gap by providing these businesses with professionally designed websites and comprehensive digital marketing strategies. By doing so, we aim to help them reach new markets, establish stronger brand identities, and compete more effectively in their respective industries.
With our assistance, Cyprus' businesses can leverage the power of the internet to expand their customer base, streamline their operations, and achieve sustainable success.

Our Services - What we offer to our Clients

Our agency offers a comprehensive suite of 3 services to choose from, including hand coded custom websites, professional photography, and search engine optimization boost (SEO).

We design and develop hand coded visually stunning websites that not only capture the essence of your brand but also provide an intuitive user experience.

Our photography services add compelling visuals to your online presence, ensuring that your website and marketing materials stand out.

Lastly, our SEO strategies boost your website's visibility, driving organic traffic and enhancing your online reach. A simpler way to understand SEO is to imagine someone searching for 'Best Restaurants in Cyprus.' With effective SEO strategies, a restaurant's website can appear at the top of the search results. This ensures it’s among the first choices people see, helping the restaurant attract more customers. Together, these services create a powerful online presence that fosters growth and success for your business.

Project Details


We start by having a call where we discuss how you want your website to look. We'll explore the design, including color schemes, layout, and any specific features or functionalities you envision. This way, we ensure that the final product reflects your brand's identity and meets your goals effectively.

Secondly, we work diligently to complete every project within 2 weeks, striking a balance between efficiency and thoroughness. This timeline allows us to refine each detail, from design to functionality, ensuring a polished website that satisfies your needs and provides an exceptional user experience."

Lastly, the pricing of each project depends on its difficulty and complexity. This includes factors such as the level of customization, number of pages, and additional features required. Our goal is to provide a solution that fits your budget while delivering a high-quality, impactful website. Our pricing ranges from a minimum of 200€ to a maximum of 500€ with a lifetime contract. We offer a lifetime contract that includes ongoing maintenance and insurance for the site during this period. This ensures that your website remains up-to-date and continues to perform optimally.

Search Engine Optimization

In addition to our main web development services, we highly recommend our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services. SEO is crucial for enhancing your website's visibility and driving more organic traffic by helping your site reach the top of Google search results. This service is designed to optimize your website's content and structure, ensuring it is search engine friendly.

The cost of our SEO services is reasonable, and investing in SEO can significantly increase your website's potential to attract and engage more visitors. We tailor our strategies to align with your business goals, making this an essential addition for any modern website.

To ensure clarity and transparency, we want to inform you that the maximum price for SEO will not exceed 100€ . This cap allows you to plan your budget effectively, knowing the upper limit of potential costs.

Payment Instructions

At Alpen Inc. we discuss and finalize the cost of our services during a consultation call to ensure there are no surprises. Payment is due only after the completion of the project and once you are fully satisfied with the outcome. To accommodate your needs, we offer several payment methods. We highly recommend using Stripe for its ease and security, allowing you to pay online with just a few clicks. Additionally, we accept all major Visa cards, providing another reliable and straightforward online payment option. For clients who prefer a more personal approach or require alternative arrangements, we are also happy to accept payments in person. These diverse payment options are designed to ensure that managing the financial aspect of our services is hassle-free and secure for everyone.

Lifetime Contract Overview

For our website development services, we implement a lifetime contract to ensure that every new website we build is supported through its initial live phases. This duration includes dedicated maintenance and necessary updates, which are crucial for the optimal performance and security of your website. The contract is designed not only to address any immediate issues that may arise post-launch but also to optimize the site's functionality and user experience. This approach is our way of ensuring that the website continues to serve your business effectively and securely, providing peace of mind and stability during the crucial early stages of its deployment.

This step is crucial as it ensures transparency and mutual agreement on the expectations and responsibilities outlined in the contract, thereby safeguarding both parties and ensuring a smooth collaboration.

Working Guide

By this so called "Working Guide", we aim to provide comprehensive instructions that will guide you step-by-step towards working with us successfuly. We lay out a clear path to follow, offering actionable advice and detailed directions to ensure you stay on track.

Before we begin your project, we first schedule a meeting call to discuss your specific goals and requirements. This initial consultation is crucial as it helps us understand your vision and expectations thoroughly. By aligning our approach with your objectives from the outset, we can tailor our services to best meet your needs. This step ensures that we start on a solid foundation, paving the way for a successful project delivery.

Following our initial consultation and once we have a clear understanding of your project requirements, we will provide you with a detailed pricing estimate. This estimate reflects the scope of work discussed and is designed to offer transparency and predictability in budgeting. Alongside the estimate, we will issue an invoice that outlines the agreed-upon services. You will be asked to sign this invoice to confirm your acceptance of the terms and to formalize our engagement. This process ensures that all aspects of the project are clear and agreed upon before we commence work.

Once we have begun work on your project, you can expect completion within a two-week period. This timeline allows us to thoroughly address all aspects of your project while ensuring that it meets your specifications and our standards of excellence. We believe in keeping our processes efficient and our delivery prompt, so you can start benefiting from your new website as soon as possible.


Please note that once the contract is signed and we begin work on your project, refunds are not available. This policy is in place because resources and time are allocated to your project immediately to ensure timely and efficient progress. However, we understand that project requirements can evolve, and we are committed to accommodating changes that you may need during the development process. You are welcome to discuss any modifications or additions with us, and we will do our utmost to incorporate them seamlessly into the project to meet your evolving needs.

Thank for your understanding.

Need Further Assistance?

If you have any questions or require additional information about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We understand that clarity is crucial when choosing the right services for your needs, and we are here to provide all the assistance you require.
You can reach us via email at or call us directly at 357 99725225. Whether it's a simple query or a detailed discussion, we're here to help you understand exactly what we can offer and how it can benefit your business.

The information contained in this web site is subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2022-2024 Alpen Inc. All rights reserved.
Alpen Inc., Ayia Napa, Famagusta, CY.

Updated by The Alpen Legal Team on Nov. 20, 2023